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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

"OB " CNS 標準清單

C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 14610:2004 - 英文版
900 MHzGSM行動電話系統-用戶話機
900 MHz GSM mobile telephone system - Subscriber units - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 14612:2004 - 英文版
1800 MHzGSM行動電話系統-用戶話機
1800 MHz GSM mobile telephone system - Subscriber units - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 14611:2004 - 英文版
900 MHzGSM行動電話系統-空中介面
900 MHz GSM mobile telephone system - Air interface - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 14613:2004 - 英文版
1800 MHzGSM行動電話系統-空中介面
1800 MHz GSM mobile telephone system - Air interface - English Version
CNS 14782:2003 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots —Test equipment and metrology methods of operation for robot performance evaluation - English Version
CNS 14716:2003 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots - Application oriented test- Spot welding - English Version
CNS 14714:2003 - 英文版
Cylinders for robot resistance welding guns – General requirements - English Version
CNS 5376-3:2002 - 英文版
Iron ores—Method for determination cobalt content - English Version
CNS 14671:2002 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots - EMC test methods and performance evaluation criteria - Guidelines - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 14673:2002 - 英文版
Interference to mobile radiocommunications in the presence of impulsive noise - Methods of judging degradation and measures to improve performance - English Version
CNS 7194:2001 - 英文版
Single-start solid (monobloc) gear hobs with tenon drive or axial keyway, modules 1 to 40-Nominal dimensions - English Version
CNS 14604:2001 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots -Automatic end effector exchange system-vocabulary and presentation of characteristics - English Version
CNS 14489:2000 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots-Presentation of characteristics - English Version
CNS 14491:2000 - 英文版
Manipulating industrial robots-Performance criteria and related test methods - English Version
CNS 11942-10:1999 - 英文版
Methods for determination of cobalt in copper and copper alloys - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 13623:1995 - 英文版
Test Methods for Measuring Resistivity,Hall Coefficient and Determining Hall Mobility in Single-Crystal Semiconductors(Van Der Pauw Method) - English Version
CNS 13470:1995 - 英文版
Cobalt Standard Solution - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10693:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(定義、試驗條件)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Definition and Test Condition) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 11709:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-1000 MHz調頻/調相設備攜帶型/個人無線電發射機、接收機及收發信機組合檢驗法
Method of Test for Portable/Personal Radio Transmitters, Receivers, and Transmitter/Receiver Combination Land Mobile Communications FM or PM Equipment, 25-1000 MHz - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10692:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-94 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(總則)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Introduction) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10694:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(測量設備之特性及基準靈敏度)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Characteristics of the Measuring Equipment and Reference Sensitivity) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10695:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(聲頻響應、諧波失真因數、交流聲及雜訊)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Audio Frequency Response, Harmonic Distortion Factor, Hum and Noise) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10696:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(鄰波道、混附響應及互調變抗拒力)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Adjacent Channel, Spurious Response and Intermodulation Immunity) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10697:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(輻射性、傳導性混附發射及聲頻靜音靈敏度)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Radiated, Conducted Spurious Emission and Audio Squelch Sensitivity) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10698:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(靜音截斷、接收機動作及閉合時間)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Squelch Blocking, Receiver Attack and Closing Time) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10699:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(聲頻靈敏度、溫度及高濕度)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Audio Sensitivity, Temperature and High Humidity) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 10700:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-947 MHz調頻/調相接收機檢驗法(振動、衝擊穩定性及電源電壓範圍)
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receivers, 25-947 MHz (Vibration, Shock and Power Supply Voltage Range) - English Version
C-電機工程, 電子工程
CNS 11708:1994 - 英文版
陸上行動通信用25-470 MHz調頻/調相發射機檢驗法
Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Transmitters, 25-470 MHz - English Version
CNS 5972:1993 - 英文版
鑄鐵凸緣型球型閥(10 kgf/cm2)
Cast Iron Flanged Globe Valves (10kgf/c㎡) - English Version

CNS 13216:1993 - 英文版
Hot - rolled High Strength Steel Sheets with Improved Formability for Automobile Structural Uses - English Version

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