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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 3554 - English Version
    Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic − Determination of tension set under constant elongation, and of tension set, elongation and creep under constant tensile load
    硫化或熱塑性橡膠-定伸長率下伸長永久變形及定拉伸載重下伸長永久變形、伸長率及潛變之測定法 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 4234-2 - English Version
    Mechanical properties of corrosion - resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 2: Nuts
    不銹鋼結件之機械性質- 第2部:螺帽 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 4898 - English Version
    Control cables
    控制電纜 - 英文版

    T-Medical Equipments & Appliances
    CNS 13382-4 - English Version
    Implants for surgery - Metallic materials - Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy
    外科體內植入物-金屬材料-鍛造鈷-鎳-鉻-鉬合金 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 11319 - English Version
    Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Natural Building Stone
    建築用天然石抗壓強度試驗法 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 12387 - English Version
    Method of Test for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes
    工程用土壤分類試驗法 - 英文版
    X-Information & Communication
    CNS 12972-5 - English Version
    Office Machine - Vocabulary - Section 05 : Letter folding machines
    事務機器–字彙–第五部:郵件折疊機  - 英文版
    Z7-General & Miscellaneous
    CNS 3689 - English Version
    Guide for the drafting and structure of CNS national standards
    國家標準草案構成及格式指引 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 21003-1 - English Version
    Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings − Part 1: General
    建築物內冷熱水裝置用多層管配管系統-第1部:通則 - 英文版
    X-Information & Communication
    CNS 9362 - English Version
    Information Processing Systems-Vocabulary ( Part 4 : Organization of Data )
    資訊處理系統–詞彙(第4部:資料之組織) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9143 - English Version
    250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable(250V-MPLC) and 250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Cable (250V-MPLCY) for Marine Use
    船用250V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(250V–MPLC)及250V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(250V–MPLCY) - 英文版
    Z9-General & Miscellaneous
    CNS 15025-2 - English Version
    Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone color separation, proof and production prints - Part 2: Offset lithography processes
    印刷技術-半色調分色、打樣和印刷品的製作過程控制-第2部:平版印刷製程 - 英文版
    T-Medical Equipments & Appliances
    CNS 15042 - English Version
    Standard specification for infrared thermometers for intermittent determination of patient temperature
    間歇性測定患者體溫之紅外線體溫計 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 672 - English Version
    Tin Coated Annealed Stranded Copper Wires
    鍍錫軟銅絞電線 - 英文版

    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 13974 - English Version
    Method of test for water penetration performance of building curtain walls and skylights-by static pressure
    帷幕牆及其附屬門、窗與天窗靜態水密性性能試驗法 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 423 - English Version
    Soy sauce
    醬油 - 英文版

    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 12152 - English Version
    Playground equipment for public use
    合成樹脂可撓電線導管 - 英文版
    P-Pulp & PaperIndustry
    CNS 1352 - English Version
    Method of test for grammage of paper and board
    紙及紙板基重試驗法 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 4021 - English Version
    Permissible Deviations in Dimensions Without Tolerance Indication (Iron Castings)
    一般許可差(鐵鑄件) - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 970 - English Version
    Method of Test for Canned Food-Sampling
    食品罐頭檢驗法–取樣 - 英文版


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