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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15936 - English Version
    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements
    多媒體設備之電磁相容-放射要求 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 14115 - English Version
    Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
    電氣照明與類似設備射頻擾動特性之限制值與量測法 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 10145 - English Version
    Synthetic polymer sheets for waterproof
    合成聚合物薄片防水膠布 - 英文版

    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15426-1 - English Version
    Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 1: General requirements
    太陽光電系統用電源轉換器之安全性 - 第1部:一般要求 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15386-5-2 - English Version
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines – Section 2: Earthing and cabling
    電磁相容性(EMC)-第5部:安裝及降擾準則-第2章:接地及佈線 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-11 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 11: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Sampling, storage of samples and preparation of test specimens
    室內空氣-第11部:建築產品與家飾逸散揮發性有機化合物之測定-採樣、試樣儲存及試片製備 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6464 - English Version
    Oil of parsley fruits (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.)
    石芹果油 - 英文版
    Z1-Industry Safety
    CNS 15930-1 - English Version
    Safety of escalators and moving walks – Part 1: Construction and installation
    電扶梯及移動步道之安全-第1部:結構及安裝 - 英文版
    Z1-Industry Safety
    CNS 9332 - English Version
    Safety colours and safety signs − Classification, performance and durability of safety signs
    安全顏色及安全標誌-安全標誌之分級、性能與耐久性 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-12 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 12: Sampling strategy for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
    室內空氣-第12部:多氯聯苯(PCBs)、多氯二苯并對戴奧辛(PCDDs)、多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)及多環芳香烴(PAHs)之採樣策略 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-8 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 8: Determination of local mean age of air in buildings for characterizing ventilation conditions
    室內空氣-第8部:測定建築物內局部平均空氣齡期以鑑別通風條件 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 14001 - English Version
    Environmental management systems − Requirements with guidance for use
    環境管理系統-附使用指引之要求事項 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-13 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 13: Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) - Collection on sorbent-backed filters
    室內空氣-第13部:多氯似戴奧辛聯苯 (PCBs) 與多氯二苯并對戴奧辛/二苯并呋喃(PCDDs/PCDFs)總量測定(氣相與粒子相)-吸附劑支援濾片收集 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-15 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 15: Sampling strategy for nitrogen dioxide (NO₂)
    室內空氣-第15部:二氧化氮採樣策略 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-2 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 2: Sampling strategy for formaldehyde
    室內空氣-第2部:甲醛之採樣策略 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-1 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 1: General aspects of sampling strategy
    室內空氣-第1部:採樣策略總則 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 14408 - English Version
    Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements
    影音及其類似電子產品-安全規定 - 英文版

    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-7 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 7: Sampling strategy for determination of airborne asbestos fibre concentrations
    室內空氣-第7部:空氣中石綿纖維濃度測定採樣策略 - 英文版
    Q-Environmental Management
    CNS 16000-5 - English Version
    Indoor air - Part 5: Sampling strategy for volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
    室內空氣-第5部:揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)採樣策略 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 11608 - English Version
    Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Reinforcement
    玻璃纖維強化塑膠加強聚氯乙烯塑膠硬質管 - 英文版


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