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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15627-4 - English Version
    Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 4: Test method for the installation of consumer products
    日用品之操作便利性-第4部:消費產品之安裝測試法 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15627-3 - English Version
    Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 3: Test method for consumer products
    日用品之操作便利性-第3部:消費產品之測試法 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15627-2 - English Version
    Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 2: Test method for walk-up-and-use products
    日用品之操作便利性-第2部:順手可用產品之測試法 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15627-1 - English Version
    Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 1: Design requirements for context of use and user characteristics
    日用品之操作便利性-第1部:使用情境及使用者特性之設計要求 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15626-3 - English Version
    Ergonomic principles related to mental workload - Part 3: Principles and requirements concerning methods for measuring and assessing mental workload
    心智工作負荷相關之人因工程原理-第3部:心智工作負荷量測及評估方法之原理及要求 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1257 - English Version
    Canned beans
    豆類罐頭 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1256 - English Version
    Canned water chestnut
    荸薺罐頭 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1255 - English Version
    Canned ginger
    薑類罐頭 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1254 - English Version
    Canned pickled vegetables
    醬菜類罐頭 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 1065 - English Version
    蠟燭 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15551-2 - English Version
    Ergonomics - Accessible design - Sound pressure levels of auditory signals for consumer products
    人因工程—無障礙設計—消費產品中聲音訊號之聲壓位準 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 1217 - English Version
    Method of practice for manual sampling of petroleum and petroleum products
    石油及其產品手動取樣法 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6347 - English Version
    Crude or rectified oils of Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.)
    藍桉油 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 13133 - English Version
    Glossary of terms used in building sealant for joint
    建築用接合密封材料用語 - 英文版
    CNS 13249 - English Version
    Conformity assessment - Guidance on a third-party certification system for products
    符合性評鑑-第三者產品驗證系統指引 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 8780 - English Version
    Electric water heater(instant heating type)with insulated heating elements
    家庭用絕緣式電熱水器(瞬熱型) - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 5930 - English Version
    Canned apples
    蘋果罐頭 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 5802 - English Version
    Stainless steel tubes for machine and structural purposes
    機械結構用不銹鋼鋼管 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 2993 - English Version
    Canned white jelly fungus
    銀耳罐頭 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 13728 - English Version
    Rubber vocabulary
    橡膠詞彙 - 英文版

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