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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 10201 - English Version
    Stamp pads
    打印台 - 英文版
    H-Non-ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 13867 - English Version
    Copper and copper alloy welded pipes and tubes
    銅及銅合金銲接管 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 10202 - English Version
    Cinnabar seal-ink pads
    印泥 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1250 - English Version
    Canned mushroom
    洋菇罐頭 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 7927 - English Version
    Plastics washing basins
    塑膠製洗滌用容器 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 6335 - English Version
    Carbon steel pipes for high pressure service
    高壓配管用碳鋼鋼管 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 10728 - English Version
    釘書機 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6353 - English Version
    Oil of bay [Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore]
    月桂油 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 11567 - English Version
    Architectural drawing
    建築製圖 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 1252 - English Version
    Canned fruits
    果實類罐頭 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6451 - English Version
    Oil of clove leaves [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison]
    丁香葉油 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6452 - English Version
    Oil of clove buds [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison]
    丁香花苞油 - 英文版
    H-Non-ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 9504 - English Version
    Methods for estimating average grain size of wrought copper and copper alloys
    銅及銅合金展伸材料之晶粒尺度測定法 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6453 - English Version
    Oil of clove stems [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison]
    丁香莖油 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6454 - English Version
    Oil of nutmeg, Indonesian type (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
    肉豆蔻油(印尼型) - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 6455 - English Version
    Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume)
    肉桂油(中國型) - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 6445 - English Version
    Carbon steel pipes for ordinary piping
    配管用碳鋼鋼管 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 2175 - English Version
    Canned straw mushroom
    草菇罐頭 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 10513 - English Version
    Gymnastic equipment - Hanging rings
    體操設備-吊環 - 英文版
    S-Domestic Wares
    CNS 15552 - English Version
    Packaging - Accessible design - General requirements
    包裝-無障礙設計-一般要求 - 英文版

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