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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15385 - English Version
    Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems
    獨立式太陽光電系統之特性參數 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15194-3 - English Version
    Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Vehicle test methods - Part 3: On-board transmitter simulation
    道路車輛-窄頻輻射電磁能量的電擾動之車輛試驗法-第3部:車載發射機模擬 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 15386-5-2 - English Version
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines – Section 2: Earthing and cabling
    電磁相容性(EMC)-第5部:安裝及降擾準則-第2章:接地及佈線 - 英文版
    CNS 14790 - English Version
    Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the application of CNS 12681 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations
    品質管理系統-CNS 12681應用於汽車生產與其相關服務零組件的組織之特定要求 - 英文版
    R-Ceramic Industry
    CNS 7300 - English Version
    Glass Beakers for Chemical Analysis
    化學分析用玻璃燒杯 - 英文版
    K-Chemical Industry
    CNS 3776 - English Version
    Method of test for Ramsbottom carbon residue of petroleum products
    石油產品藍氏殘碳量試驗法 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 15235 - English Version
    Methods of accelerated cyclic corrosion resistance tests for anodic coatings with exposure to salt spray, dry and wet conditions
    陽極被覆鋼板之加速循環腐蝕試驗法 - 英文版
    T-Medical Equipments & Appliances
    CNS 15226 - English Version
    Single-use sterile rubber gloves - Specification
    單次使用之無菌橡膠手套-規格 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 3 - English Version
    Engineering drawing (General principles of presentation)
    工程製圖(一般準則) - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3441 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Titration of acidity
    乳品檢驗法-酸度之滴定 - 英文版

    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 11509 - English Version
    Edible goat milk powder
    食用全脂羊乳粉 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 11737 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Detection of vegetable fat in milk fat
    乳品檢驗法-乳脂肪中植物油脂之檢出 - 英文版
    P-Pulp & PaperIndustry
    CNS 11820 - English Version
    Method of test for migratable fluorescent substances in paper products
    紙製品之可遷移性螢光物質試驗法 - 英文版

    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 11736 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of fat content in ice cream products
    乳品檢驗法-乳冰製品中脂肪含量之測定 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 11028 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of scorched particles
    乳品檢驗法-乳粉焦粒之測定 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3442 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of specific gravity
    乳品檢驗法-比重之測定 - 英文版

    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3443 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of moisture content
    乳品檢驗法-水分之測定 - 英文版

    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3445 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content
    乳品檢驗法-乳糖之測定 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3446 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of sucrose content
    乳品檢驗法-蔗糖之測定 - 英文版
    N-Agriculture, Food
    CNS 3447 - English Version
    Method of test for milk and milk products - Test of phosphatase
    乳品檢驗法-磷酶之檢驗 - 英文版

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