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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • Z-#N/A
    CNS 13352-8 - English Version
    Micrographic Vocabulary (Part 8 : Use)
    微縮技術詞彙(第八部:應用) - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 5192 - English Version
    Measuring method of noise of gears
    齒輪噪音量測法 - 英文版
    CNS 13352-10 - English Version
    Micrographic Vocabulary (Part 10 : Index)
    微縮技術詞彙(第十部:索引) - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 10215 - English Version
    Sight glasses for pressure vessels
    壓力容器之檢視窗 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 10216 - English Version
    Glossary of terms used in pressure vessels
    壓力容器之用詞 - 英文版
    CNS 14512 - English Version
    Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere-General requirements
    人造大氣中腐蝕試驗法-一般要求事項 - 英文版
    CNS 14513 - English Version
    Glossary of terms to corrosion and corrosion testing
    腐蝕及腐蝕試驗詞彙 - 英文版
    CNS 14592 - English Version
    Molybdenum steel and chromium molybdenum steel covered electrodes
    鉬鋼及鉻鉬鋼用被覆銲條 - 英文版
    CNS 14594 - English Version
    Covered electrodes for cast iron
    鑄鐵用被覆銲條 - 英文版
    CNS 14597 - English Version
    Arc welding flux cored wires for hardfacing
    硬面銲用包藥銲線 - 英文版
    CNS 12505 - English Version
    Photography-Photographic lenses-Distance scale markings
    照相術-照相鏡頭-物距刻度之標示 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 14603 - English Version
    Use of apparatus for the determination of length change of hardened cement paste ,mortar ,concrete
    硬固水泥砂漿及混凝土長度變化試驗法 - 英文版
    CNS 14595 - English Version
    Nickel and nickel alloy filler rods and solid wires for arc welding
    鎳及鎳合金裸銲條及實心銲線 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 9793 - English Version
    cover plate for pressure vessels
    壓力容器之蓋板 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 14556 - English Version
    Functions and properties testing for road traffic LED display panel
    道路用發光二極體文字顯示型交通資訊看板之功能特性測試 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 5309 - English Version
    Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Plastic handles for screwdrivers
    螺釘及螺帽之裝配工具-塑膠製螺絲起子手柄 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 14555 - English Version
    Road traffic LED display panel
    道路用發光二極體文字顯示型交通資訊看板 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 14571 - English Version
    Steel and steel products─Inspection documents
    鋼及鋼製品之檢驗文件 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 14588-5 - English Version
    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -Part 2: Environment -Section 5 : Classification of electromagnetic environments
    電磁相容性(EMC)-第2部:環境-第5章:電磁環境之分類 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9811 - English Version
    Portable Electric Circular Saws
    手提電動圓鋸機 - 英文版


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