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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • M-Mining
    CNS 14448 - English Version
    Granite dimension stone
    花崗石石材 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 12816-1 - English Version
    Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12.65mm(0.5in)magnetic tape on type VHS-Part1:VHS video cassette system
    VHS方式12.65 mm(0.5 in)磁帶螺線掃描影像卡式磁帶系統-第1部:VHS及C-VHS影像磁帶系統 - 英文版
    P-Pulp & PaperIndustry
    CNS 13119 - English Version
    Method of test for coefficient of static friction of paper and paperboard(Inclined plane method and horizontal plane method)
    紙及紙板靜摩擦係數試驗法(傾斜平面法及水平平面法) - 英文版
    CNS 14447 - English Version
    Method of measurement for glossiness on surface of ornamental stone
    天然飾面石材表面光澤度測定法 - 英文版
    CNS 14446 - English Version
    Method of measurement for thermal expansion of rock
    岩石熱膨脹測定法 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 6135-3 - English Version
    Hearing aid-Part3: Hearing aids equipment not entirely worn on the listener
    助聽器-第3部:不完全配戴在聽者身上的助聽設備 - 英文版
    CNS 14444 - English Version
    Method of test for water absorption of slate
    板岩吸水率試驗法 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 3033 - English Version
    Test pieces for impact test for metallic materials
    金屬材料衝擊試驗試片 - 英文版
    G-Ferrous Materials & Metallurgy
    CNS 14438 - English Version
    Compacted graphite iron castings
    縮狀石墨鑄鐵件 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 11446-4 - English Version
    Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions -Part 4 : Electrical measurements on multichannel sound television receivers using the two-carrier FM-system
    電視廣播傳輸接收機之量測方法-第4部:利用雙載波調頻(FM)系統之多聲道電視接收機之電氣量測 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 11446-6 - English Version
    Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmission - Part 6 : Measurement under conditions different from broadcast signal standards
    電視廣播傳輸接收機之量測方法-第6部:不同於廣播信號標準條件之量測 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 11446-3 - English Version
    Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 3 : Electrical measurement on multichannel sound television receivers using subcarrier systems
    電視廣播傳輸接收機之量測方法-第3部:利用副載波系統之多聲道電視接收機之電氣量測 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 6135-11 - English Version
    Hearing aids-Part11: Symbols and other marking on hearing aids and related equipment
    助聽器-第11部:助聽器及相關設備之符號及標示 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 6135-6 - English Version
    Hearing aids-Part6: Characteristics of electrical input circuit for hearing aids
    助聽器-第6部:電氣輸入電路的特性 - 英文版
    CNS 14445 - English Version
    Method of test for flexure(modulus of rupture,modulus of elasticity)of slate
    板岩撓曲試驗法 - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 4814 - English Version
    Assembly tools for screws and nuts-Screwdrivers
    螺釘及螺帽之裝配工具-螺絲起子 - 英文版
    CNS 13021 - English Version
    Method of Visual Test for the welds of Steel Structure
    鋼結構銲道目視檢測法 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 10852 - English Version
    Methods of Test for Pinted Wiring Boards
    印刷電路板檢驗法 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 10851 - English Version
    Multilayer printed wiring boards
    多層印刷電路板 - 英文版
    CNS 13341 - English Version
    Method of Magnetic Particle Test for Welds of Steel Structure
    鋼結構銲道磁粒檢測法 - 英文版

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