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Chinese National Standards
- Taiwan 台灣 -

What is CNS Standards ?

CNS Standard is abbreviation of Chinese National Standard, the National Standards of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ;
They are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The English versions CNS standards were translated directly from the openly-published Chinese CNS standard , in case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese versions CNS standards text shall prevail.

CNS standards are divided into 26 numbered categories, Detail see bellow:
  • CNS Standards 26 Categories:
  • CNS Standards Index:
  • A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 12390 - English Version
    Method of Test for Determining Degree of Pavement Compaction of Bituminous Aggregate Mixtures
    瀝青路面壓實度試驗法 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 12373 - English Version
    Method of Test for Fiber Optic Devices ( FOTP-58 Core Diameter Measurement of Graded-Index Optical Fibers )
    光纖裝置檢驗法(斜射率光纖纖核直徑之測量FOTP-58) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9144 - English Version
    250 V PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Telephone Cable(250V-TTYC) and 250V PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Telephone Cable (250V-TTYCY) for Marine Use
    船用250 V電話用PVC絕緣PVC被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(250 V-TTYC)及250 V電話用PVC絕緣PVC被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(250 V-TTYCY) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9141 - English Version
    250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated PVC Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable (250V-MPYC) and 250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated PVC Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Cable (250V MPYCY) for Marine Use
    船用250 V多心EPR絕緣PVC被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(250 V-MPYC)及250 V多心EPR絕緣PVC被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(250 V-MPYCY) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 12372 - English Version
    Method of Test for Fiber Optic Devices ( FOTP-53 Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for Multimode Graded-Index Optical Fibers or Fiber Assemblies Used in Long Length Communications System)
    光纖裝置檢驗法(多模斜射率光纖或光纖組件在長距離通訊系統中衰減量之替代量測法FOTP-53) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 12473 - English Version
    Method of Test for TV Game
    電視遊樂器檢驗法 - 英文版

    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9242 - English Version
    Method of Test for Low Frequency(Below 3 MHz) Electrical Connectors(TP - 42 Impact)
    頻率3 MHz以下電連接器檢驗法(碰撞試驗TP-42) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9143 - English Version
    250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable(250V-MPLC) and 250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Cable (250V-MPLCY) for Marine Use
    船用250 V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(250 V-MPLC)及250 V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(250 V-MPLCY) - 英文版
    T-Medical Equipments & Appliances
    CNS 12449 - English Version
    Method of Test for Spectacle Lenses
    眼鏡片檢驗法 - 英文版
    A-Civil Engineering & Architecture
    CNS 12457 - English Version
    Method of Test for Corrosion Inhibitor for Reinforsing Steel in Concrete
    鋼筋混凝土用防銹劑檢驗法 - 英文版
    T-Medical Equipments & Appliances
    CNS 12446 - English Version
    Soft Contact Lenses
    軟性隱形眼鏡片 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9142 - English Version
    250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated CP Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable (250V-MPNC) and 250V Multi-Core EPR Insulated CP Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Cable (250V-MPNCY) for Marine Use
    船用250 V多心EPR絕緣CP被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(250 V-MPNC)及250 V多心EPR絕緣CP被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(250 V-MPNCY) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9140 - English Version
    660V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable (660V-MPLC) and 660V Multi-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-corrosion Cable 660V-MPLCY) for Marine Use
    船用660 V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(660 V-MPLC)及660 V多心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(660 V-MPLCY) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9139 - English Version
    660V Multi-Core EPR Insulated CP Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable (660V-MPNC) and 660V Multi-Core EPR Insulated CP Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-Corrosion Cable (660V-MPNCY) for Marine Use
    船用660 V多心EPR絕緣CP被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(660 V-MPNC)及660 V多心EPR絕緣CP被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(660 V-MPNCY) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9240 - English Version
    Method of Test for Low Freguency(Below 3 MHz) Electrical Connectors(TP - 18 Visual and Dimensional Inspection)
    頻率3 MHz以下電連接器檢驗法(外觀及尺度檢查TP-18) - 英文版
    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 12209 - English Version
    Sets of High Strength Torque Control Bolt, Hexagon Nut and Plain Washers
    控制扭矩之高強度螺栓、六角螺帽及平墊圈組 - 英文版

    B-Mechanical Engineering
    CNS 12245 - English Version
    C Frame Power Press
    C型動力衝床 - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9369 - English Version
    Method of Test for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz) Electrical Connectors (TP - 35 Proposed Insert Retention)
    頻率3 MHz以下電連接器檢驗法(接觸端子插入扣鎖TP-35) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9371 - English Version
    Method of Test for Low Frequency (Below 3 MHz) Electrical Connectors (TP - 39 Hydrostatic Test)
    頻率3 MHz以下電連接器檢驗法(流體靜壓力試驗TP-39) - 英文版
    C-Electrical Engineering
    CNS 9132 - English Version
    660V Single-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered Cable(660V-SPLC) and 660V Single-Core EPR Insulated Lead Sheathed Metal Netting Covered PVC Anti-corrosion Cable (600V-SPLCY) for Marine Use
    船用660 V單心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝電纜(660 V-SPLC)及660 V單心EPR絕緣鉛皮被覆金屬網鎧裝PVC防蝕電纜(660 V-SPLCY) - 英文版

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