CNS 13908:2018
- 英文版
Information processing systems-Open systems interconnection-Basic connection oriented session protocol specification
- English Version |
CNS 4026:2018
- 英文版
Permissible Deviations in Dimensions Without Tolerance Indication (Metallic Sintered Products)
- English Version |
CNS 14152:2018
- 英文版
Transmission of non-telephone signals - Frame structure for a 64 to 1920 kbit/s channel in audiovisual teleservices
- English Version |
CNS 62821-2:2018
- 英文版
額定電壓450/750 V 以下無鹵素低煙量熱塑性絕緣與被覆電纜-第2部:試驗法
Halogen-free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V ? Part 2: Test methods
- English Version |
CNS 61215-1:2018
- 英文版
Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules ? Design qualification and type approval ? Part 1: Test requirements
- English Version |
CNS 4670:2018
- 英文版
Specified Items for Machine Tools - General Rules
- English Version |
CNS 1:2018
- 英文版
Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non-metallic insert) ? Property classes 5, 8 and 10
- English Version |
CNS 14763:2018
- 英文版
Extensions to the B-ISDN user part-Modification procedures for sustainable cell rate parameters
- English Version |
CNS 13789-4:2018
- 英文版
Entity Authentication Mechanisms-Part 4:Mechanisms Using a Cryptographic Check Function
- English Version |
CNS 9601:2018
- 英文版
Marine Reflector Lamp Type Flood Lights
- English Version |
CNS 11434:2018
- 英文版
Watt-Hour Meters (for Connection Through Instrument Transformer) Inspection Signal Generator
- English Version |
CNS 2758:2018
- 英文版
Method of test for acidity of benzene, toluene, xylenes, solvent naphthas, and industrial aromatic hydrocarbons
- English Version |
CNS 13677:2018
- 英文版
資訊技術 - 數據通信 - 數據終端設備之 X.25 分封層協定
Information technology - Data communications - X.25 packet layer protocol for data terminal equipment
- English Version |
CNS 10916:2018
- 英文版
Commutator Bar
- English Version |
CNS 4020:2018
- 英文版
Permissible Deviations in Dimensions Without Tolerance Indication (Shearing of Metal Plates)
- English Version |
CNS 61400-25-6:2018
- 英文版
風力機-第25-6 部:風力發電廠監測與控制之通訊-狀態監控之邏輯節點類別及資料類別
Wind turbines ? Part 25-6: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants ? Logical node classes and data classes for condition monitoring
- English Version |
CNS 7991:2018
- 英文版
Glass Globe for Marine Indicator Lamps
- English Version |
CNS 15660-8:2018
- 英文版
數值控制車床及車削中心機之試驗條件-第8 部:熱變形之評估
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres ? Part 8: Evaluation of thermal distortions
- English Version |
CNS 15704-1:2018
- 英文版
自動換刀器用7/24 錐度之主軸鼻端-第1 部:S 型及SF 型主軸鼻端之尺度及標示
7/24 taper spindle noses for automatic tool changers – Part 1: Dimensions and designation of spindle noses of forms S and SF
- English Version |
CNS 11371:2018
- 英文版
- English Version |
CNS 11330:2018
- 英文版
低壓三相鼠籠型感應電動機 (深井用沉水電動機泵用)
Low-voltage three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors (For submersible motor-pumps for deep well)
- English Version |
CNS 4670-6:2018
- 英文版
Specified Items for Machine Tools - Multiple Spindle Automatic Lathes
- English Version |
CNS 13926-3:2018
- 英文版
Information technology-Open systems interconnection-Distributed transaction processing-Part 3:protocol specification
- English Version |
CNS 14981-2-5:2018
- 英文版
Switches for appliances - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors
- English Version |
CNS 14134:2018
- 英文版
Information Technology - Open System Interconnection - Protocol for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery service element: Protocol Specification
- English Version |
CNS 4324:2018
- 英文版
退刀及凹槽(適用於CNS 497~CNS 506之公制螺紋)
Rounout and undercut for metric thread according to CNS 497~CNS 506
- English Version |
CNS 14739:2018
- 英文版
寬頻整體服務數位網路使用者部之延伸 -支援可用的位元速率非同步傳送模式轉送能力的訊務參數之信號能力
Extensions to the B-ISDN user part - Signalling capabilities to support traffic parameters for the available bit rate (ABR) ATM transfer capability
- English Version |
CNS 12412:2018
- 英文版
Residential sliding storm window panel
- English Version |
CNS 14740:2018
- 英文版
Extensions to the B-ISDN user part - Signalling capabilities to support traffic parameters for the ATM block transfer (ABT) ATM transfer capability
- English Version |
CNS 62821-3:2018
- 英文版
額定電壓450/750 V 以下無鹵素低煙量熱塑性絕緣與被覆電纜-第3部:可撓式電纜(花線)
Halogen-free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 3: Flexible cables (cords)
- English Version |