CNS 16173:2022
- 英文版
Internal blinds ? Protection from strangulation hazards ? Requirements and test methods for safety devices
- English Version |
CNS 16166:2022
- 英文版
Hot-dip zinc-aluminium-magnesium alloy-coated steel sheet and strip
- English Version |
CNS 16171:2022
- 英文版
Internal blinds ? Performance requirements including safety
- English Version |
CNS 16172:2022
- 英文版
Internal blinds ? Protection from strangulation hazards ? Test methods
- English Version |
CNS 16168:2022
- 英文版
Methods of measurement on circadian action factor (CAF) for lighting sources and luminaires
- English Version |
CNS 16177:2022
- 英文版
Cybersecurity test methods for built-in software on smartphone systems
- English Version |
CNS 62840-2:2022
- 英文版
Electric vehicle battery swap system ? Part 2: Safety requirements
- English Version |
CNS 16174-2:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 2: Classification of environments
- English Version |
CNS 16176:2022
- 英文版
Cybersecurity requirements for built-in software on smartphone systems
- English Version |
CNS 16175-7:2022
- 英文版
Railway applications ? Track ? Test methods for fastening systems ? Part 7: Determination of clamping force and uplift stiffness
- English Version |
CNS 16175-1:2022
- 英文版
Railway applications ? Track ? Test methods for fastening systems ? Part 1: Determination of longitudinal rail restraint
- English Version |
CNS 16174-9:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 9: Protective paint systems and laboratory performance test methods for offshore and related structures
- English Version |
CNS 16174-7:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 7: Execution and supervision of paint work
- English Version |
CNS 16174-6:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 6: Laboratory performance test methods
- English Version |
CNS 16174-5:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 5: Protective paint systems
- English Version |
CNS 16174-4:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation
- English Version |
CNS 16174-3:2022
- 英文版
Paints and varnishes ? Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint and coating systems ? Part 3: Design considerations
- English Version |
CNS 16167:2022
- 英文版
Personal protective equipment ? Footwear ? Test method for slip resistance
- English Version |
CNS 7578:2022
- 英文版
Normal Chordal Tooth Thickness and Chordal Height of Spur Gears in the 0.5 System
- English Version |
CNS 60904-1-2:2022
- 英文版
Photovoltaic devices ? Part 1-2: Measurement of current-voltage characteristics of bifacial photovoltaic (PV) devices
- English Version |
CNS 61850-7-6:2022
- 英文版
電力公用事業自動化之通訊網路及系統-第7-6部:使用CNS 61850定義基本應用剖繪(BAP)之指導綱要
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation ? Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of basic application profiles (BAP) using IEC 61850
- English Version |
CNS 62443-2-4:2022
- 英文版
Security for industrial automation and control systems ? Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers
- English Version |
CNS 62056-5-3:2022
- 英文版
Electricity metering data exchange ? The DLMS/COSEM suite ? Part 5-3: DLMS/COSEM application layer
- English Version |
CNS 61970-453:2022
- 英文版
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) ? Part 453: Diagram layout profile
- English Version |
CNS 16191-3:2022
- 英文版
Fasteners ? Surface discontinuities ? Part 3: Bolts, screws and studs for special requirements
- English Version |
CNS 16193-1:2022
- 英文版
Road vehicles ? Vehicle to grid communication interface ? Part 1: General information and use-case definition
- English Version |
CNS 21087:2022
- 英文版
Gas analysis ? Analytical methods for hydrogen fuel ? Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for road vehicles
- English Version |
CNS 61968-11:2022
- 英文版
Application integration at electric utilities ? System interfaces for distribution management ? Part 11: Common information model (CIM) extensions for distribution
- English Version |
CNS 15852-4:2022
- 英文版
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids ? Determination of the resistance to internal pressure ? Part 4: Preparation of assemblies
- English Version |
CNS 62040-1:2022
- 英文版
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) ? Part 1: Safety requirements
- English Version |