CNS 63056:2021
- 英文版
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes ? Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in electrical energy storage systems
- English Version |
CNS 61439-7:2021
- 英文版
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies ? Part 7: Assemblies for specific applications such as marinas, camping sites, market squares, electric vehicle charging stations
- English Version |
CNS 15628-6:2021
- 英文版
Wheelchair seating ? Part 6: Simulated use and determination of the changes in properties of seat cushions
- English Version |
CNS 61439-5:2021
- 英文版
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies ? Part 5: Assemblies for power distribution in public networks
- English Version |
CNS 16158:2021
- 英文版
Rubber test mixes ? Preparation, mixing and vulcanization ? Equipment and procedures
- English Version |
CNS 16169:2021
- 英文版
Footwear for firefighters
- English Version |
CNS 52907:2021
- 英文版
Additive manufacturing ? Feedstock materials ? Methods to characterize metal powders
- English Version |
CNS 63057:2021
- 英文版
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes ? Safety requirements for secondary lithium batteries for use in road vehicles not for the propulsion
- English Version |
CNS 62930:2021
- 英文版
額定電壓直流1.5 kV太陽光電系統用電纜
Electric cables for photovoltaic systems with a voltage rating of 1.5 kV DC
- English Version |
CNS 17842-2:2021
- 英文版
Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices ? Part 2: Operation and use
- English Version |
CNS 61881-3:2021
- 英文版
Railway applications ? Rolling stock equipment ? Capacitors for power electronics ? Part 3: Electric double-layer capacitors
- English Version |
CNS 17225-2:2021
- 英文版
Solid biofuels ? Fuel specifications and classes ? Part 2: Graded wood pellets
- English Version |
CNS 15408-4:2021
- 英文版
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection ? Evaluation criteria for IT security ? Part 4: Framework for the specification of evaluation methods and activities
- English Version |
CNS 19086-4:2021
- 英文版
Information technology ? Cloud computing ? Service level agreement (SLA) framework ? Part 4: Components of security and of protection of PII
- English Version |
CNS 52904:2021
- 英文版
Additive manufacturing ? Process characteristics and performance ? Practice for metal powder bed fusion process to meet critical applications
- English Version |
CNS 22568-4:2021
- 英文版
Foot and leg protectors ? Requirements and test methods for footwear components ? Part 4: Non-metallic perforation resistant inserts
- English Version |
CNS 20480-1:2021
- 英文版
Fine bubble technology ? General principles for usage and measurement of fine bubbles ? Part 1:
- English Version |
CNS 22568-1:2021
- 英文版
Foot and leg protectors ? Requirements and test methods for footwear components ? Part 1: Metallic toecaps
- English Version |
CNS 15628-10:2021
- 英文版
Wheelchair seating ? Part 10: Resistance to ignition of postural support devices ? Requirements and test method
- English Version |
CNS 16152:2021
- 英文版
Fruiting body of Niu-Chang-Chih(Ku)
- English Version |
CNS 16120-3:2021
- 英文版
Video surveillance system security ? Part 3: Video recorder
- English Version |
CNS 17069:2021
- 英文版
Accessible design ? Consideration and assistive products for accessible meeting
- English Version |
CNS 22776:2021
- 英文版
Footwear ? Test methods for accessories: Touch and close fasteners ? Shear strength before and after repeated closing
- English Version |
CNS 22568-2:2021
- 英文版
Requirements and test methods for footwear components ? Part 2: Non-metallic toecaps
- English Version |
CNS 12829-7:2021
- 英文版
Sports mats ? Part 7: Determination
- English Version |
CNS 2113-1:2021
- 英文版
Brinell hardness test ? Part 1: Test method
- English Version |
CNS 3142-1:2021
- 英文版
塑膠-硬質聚氯乙烯板片-第1部:厚度1 mm以上平板之種類、尺度及特性
Plastics ? Thermoplastic materials ? Determination of Vicat softening temperature (VST)
- English Version |
CNS 17249:2021
- 英文版
Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting
- English Version |
CNS 60974-2:2021
- 英文版
Arc welding equipment ? Part 2: Liquid cooling systems
- English Version |
CNS 16155-2:2021
- 英文版
Railway applications ? Braking ? Mass transit brake systems ? Part 2: Methods of test
- English Version |